Frequently Asked Questions

Does bird repellent actually work?

Sure does! Our repellent is a very effective low-profile alternative to other methods such as bird spikes. The oldest repellent installation in NZ is now 11 years old and the property is still free of birds, with no top ups.

Is Bird Free Gel safe?

Yes. Bird Free Gel uses natural ingredients such as peppermint oil to irritate the visual, olfactory, tactile and taste senses of most common birds.

Where can bird repellent be used?

There aren't many places Bird Free Gel can't perform. It is effective under and around HVAC units, ledges/beams/underside of canopies/parapets/window sills, light poles, flat roof areas (i.e. side roofs and dormers), and high rise garden installations to name a few!

How do the bird repellent trays work?

The gel trays release a vapour that appears as a flame to birds, along with an unpleasant smell and taste, and a sticky texture, deterring them through their senses without causing harm.

How do I create an account?

Click on the face icon at the top right of the screen and enter your email. We will send you a login code to get you signed up.

I'm a commercial pest control installer, can I get bulk pricing?

Email your request to info@armor.co.nz and we'll get in touch.